A Weekend Of Fine Arts And Finer Tubers

The problem with playing a newly-purchased game (Lord of the Rings: The Third Age, since you ask) is that I have little time to think about, and no time to write, this blog. This weekend, however, has been an eventful one for Freya, and so I need not delve deep to find something to screeve.

Three nights ago we forgot to put a nappy on Freya when she went to bed. For a fair few months now we have not been mentioning a night nappy to Freya (and will only give her one if she specifically asks), waiting, instead, until she was asleep before furnishing her with a nappy.

We actually forgot three nights ago, and it was only when the morning came that we realised what had happened, and at the same time realised the bed was dry. Since then (being a mere two nights) she has remained dry, which makes us (though not the manufacturers of nappies) very glad.

Yesterday we went to a hotel to eat a free brunch, something that came about through Jo’s work. Freya was given a couple of balloon flowers (they kept popping, which may have been due to the friction on the floor – I have no idea), and some new paints and glitter glue from Maria. The lunch itself was average for vegans, but the potatoes they served were fantastic, and Jo and I stuffed ourselves to get our money’s worth.

This weekend has also seen a general tidying-up, sorting out, and making Freya’s room more space effective. This has led to her having access to paints and recently bought felt tips (something that has been strictly supervised, due to possible unwanted redecorating), and she also received today some of my pearl-beads. She always loves playing with them when she gets the opportunity, and so having her own, in an accessible place, must be heaven for her. As soon as she got them she played “pizza” and “soup” with them.

Finally, today, we went to the cinema with her for the first time. We got free tickets from our neighbours (with whom we have become relatively friendly with, to the point where they are welcome to borrow our car when they want), and decided to see Laban, which lasted only forty minutes. Freya enjoyed it all immensely, especially the popcorn, and could have continued watching, but I think this was a good test of her will and concentration.