Free Film And Champagne

Through Jo’s work we got tickets to see The Da Vinci Code last night. Having heard it hadn’t received very good reviews, I wasn’t expecting too much; however, I was pleasantly surprised. I haven’t read the book, so I’ve nothing to compare it with, but it was an acceptable film. A few things worth mentioning, though:

1) If Tom Hanks keeps ageing the way has has been, then when he’s seventy his eyes, nose and mouth will easily fit inside a two centimetre diameter circle in the middle of his face.

2) Free champagne and popcorn do wonders for any film, regardless its quality. Cinemas around the globe, take note and implement immediately.

3) I’m surprised Dan Brown, the author of the book, is still alive. It’s a fantastic premise to a novel, and deserves to be truth, if only to subvert today’s religions.

There’s Still Life In The Countryside

Thanks to something Jesus did a long time ago, we’re spending a long weekend up in Hällesjö, where we have a house (and where Jo’s family lives).

On this occasion there’s a grand opening of a Motocross circuit; Jo’s brother and a friend of the family have been instrumental in planning a one kilometre training curcuit which is both a fantastic achievement, and a boon for the village.

Last year Hällesjö was voted “Village of the Year” by Bräcke County Council. Quite what this means I’m not sure, though I’ve no doubt the 128 people of the tiny village are mighty pleased. If I were them (and in a way, I am), then I’d start placing my bets for next year’s result (which I’m not).

Hoping All Is Well

Jo has been suffering from migraine, headaches and loss of feeling in hands and feet for the last month now. While we think this maybe a combination of hayfever (which is particularly bad this year) and a bad back that needs to be fixed, the doctor would like to send her for a brain-scan. He doesn’t like the idea of Jo not being able to feel her feet, and wants to count out a possible tumour.

I refuse to believe such a scenario, and it is only when I write this that I get anxious about it. I do not believe in God, so I’ll just hope that this chapter of the blog is a short and happy one.

Food For Thought

Yesterday we traveled to Märsta, a suburb north of Stockholm, to spend time with another vegan family, Janne, Elin and Eon (their 3 year old son).

We started off by visiting the traveling fairground that had taken up residence in a playing field near their home. It was quite a standard affair, with a few rides for Freya and Eon to enjoy, which they seemingly did.

Afterwards we went back to Eon’s Flat to have a bite to eat and a chat. Eon and Freya played together quite happily, leaving us pretty much alone for four hours.

An interesting question came up when Janne asked us if we would ever forbid Freya from associating with people of questionable character or of a veganically incorrect disposition (like hunters). While Jo and I have never really discussed this, we unanimously gave the same reply: never.

Both Jo and I have spent a fair amount of time with people who resolutely eschew the vegan lifestyle, and others who do not share our political views, and believe that any censorship in this matter can only ever lead to rebellion.

Then, today, I thought of another argument: who is to say that Freya will not be the one doing the influencing? Are we not belittling our child by automatically assuming she is of weak character, able to be turned against our beliefs despite, what we believe to be, a loving and open relationship with her?

It’s an interesting scenario to think about, but I do not worry that whatever she becomes, I will ever stop loving her.

A Nice Relaxing Day At The Park

We’ve just come back from a day out at Stockholm’s amusement park, Gröna Lund. Our friends Alex and Johanna, with their children Chloe and Sebbe, also came along to the pre-season special, and it was really quite tiring. Not at all because we had kids to look after, but because of the amount of people and constant noise.

It makes me appreciate Disneyland Paris a lot more. I do not wish to cavil, but at least Uncle Mickey has the sense (or, perhaps, space) to shield off each of the different themed areas with trees and the like, so noise interference is kept to a minimum, which retains the suspension of disbelief. In Gröna Lund, you can almost never get away from the constant roaring of roller-coasters or the thumping of euro-techno trying to persuade people to try a ride.

Coupled with this was the overcrowded pedestrian areas, with seemingly no attention given to diverting the queues away from the main walkway. This, naturally, led to disarray, and an undoubted plethora of annoyed people trying to access different attractions, as well as those trying to queue.

Overall, though, a thoroughly enjoyable day, and Freya even got to help Bob the Builder.