My Birthday

Celebrated my 37th year with a fine present from Jo, or rather Freya : a book I’d been wanting to get for quite a while, Trigger Happy by Steven Poole. As the title subtley suggests it’s a book about video games.

Celebrated further by going to the local pizza restaurant and watching Wolves get soundly beaten (2-0) by Arsenal in the FA Cup. I hadn’t expected a black-country victory ; it was nice just to see them play.

Celebrated even further by going home and continuing to drink beer.

Celebrated most of all by waking up without feeling any ill-effects.

More birthdays, please.


We have now finally got our act together and are now members of a carpool here in Stockholm. Not really having the finances or wanting the hassle of parking, repairs, taxes etc this was definately the best option for us.
Although owned by Statoil , City Car Club turned out the best alternative having 2 cars just a block away. Freedom when you need it 🙂

England Visit

Spent the first part of last week with mum and dad, before heading off to London to visit Leigh and Carrie.

Wasn’t sure how they would handle Freya, since they aren’t the most emotional couple I know. That doesn’t mean I didn’t expect them to be happy, just how they would show it. Mum was more reserved, though her arm and general body-frame didn’t allow her to hold Freya too much (she did call her “china doll” more than a few times.) Dad surprised me most, spending a lot of time with Freya, carrying her around the house, talking to her.

Also took the opportunity of picking up the games that I’d got from e-bay.